- Nov 30, 2022
Having Coffee with Beckett
Having Coffee with Beckett: An Introduction to the blog Café Lapid
Welcome to CAFÉ LAPID
Think of it less like a blog about theatre, and more like an invitation for a salon or a mental exercise – were we to sit down for a coffee, and talk about theatre, what would we talk about?
From popular productions to the obscure niches of performance, can I get you a cup of coffee or tea? Please, join me. Yes – this chair is yours. Let’s talk about theatre.
I am a writer, dramaturg and theatre maker. My research-based creative practice aims to incite aesthetic, critical, and political exploration of authoritarian landscapes, societal power structures, and mechanisms of truth-searching and justice-doing. I am also a Ph.D. researcher in Theatre Studies at the University of Glasgow, pursuing an interdisciplinary research project titled: “Introducing Judicial Theatre as the Performance of Theatrical Mock Trials.”
Originally from Tel-Aviv, Israel, I currently live with my husband in Los Angeles, California.